- The lab welcomes Dr. Park to join as a postdoc researcher on Oct. 9, 2023! Dr. Park will work on colon modeling and liver-on-a-chip!
- Monia successfully defended her thesis on Oct. 4th, 2023! Congratulations, Dr. Kabandana! You have been amazing!
- Our research was reported by The Business Journal. Check it out https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/inno/stories/news/2022/10/10/umbc-professor-drug-approval-process-fda.html
- Our story is reported by the UMBC news. Check it out here https://umbc.edu/stories/1-7m-nih-grant-to-develop-human-liver-model/
- In September 2022, Dr. Chen is awarded a $350,000 grant by the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund to study a human stem cell-derived colon model for drug screening and transplantable medicine.
- In August 2022, Dr. Chen is awarded a $1.7 million grant to investigate liver modeling on microfluidics and studying extracellular-metabolome interactions.
- Curtis’ paper entitled “3D-Printed, Modular, and Parallelized Microfluidic System with Customizable Scaffold Integration to Investigate the Roles of Basement Membrane Topography on Endothelial Cells” was accepted by ACS Biomaterial Science&Enginneering, and is featured as the FRONT COVER story. Congrats.